Last Updated: 01/01/2025
This document governs how Stockify Fintech Private Limited (“Stockify”, “we”, “us”, “our”) uses and collects data of a natural person with respect to the use and access of our website and its related services. This Policy applies to all the visitor/s to the website. This policy does not apply to any third-party organizations that collects the personal data, including through any third-party application or content that links to or is accessible from our website. Please carefully read this Privacy Policy along with Terms of Use before using or registering or accessing the website or availing any related services. Your use or act of continuing to use this Website, shall be considered as your acknowledgement of and, agreement to this Privacy Policy and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Policy and consent to our collecting, storing, processing, transferring, sharing and using information including the personal information. In case you do not accept the Terms of Use and/ or the Privacy Policy, you are not allowed to register, access and or use our website and if you do not wish to accept the Terms stated herein, please do not register, access, or use our website. Please note that we are a company based in India and our servers in which information is collected and stored are placed in India.
Personal Information
Personal information is information about a natural person through which that person can be directly or indirectly identified. This, however, does not include any personal information which has been anonymized or de-identified.
Information collected:
Cookie Policy
This website uses cookies to improve the user experience and ensure that it is functioning effectively. To provide you with a more personalized experience we require technology “cookies” to store information about how you have used this website previously. Cookies are small text files used to remember all of your previous activities on our website. These cookies are downloaded by your server to your device which you are using. On your next visit, your browser or app uses these cookies to enhance your experience. We use different types of cookies to enhance your experience on different aspects such as securing content, remembering preferences. Additionally, these cookies may also be used to communicate with third parties.
You may change the cookie settings for the website at any time by clicking on the ‘Cookie Icon’. You have the liberty to block all cookies by activating such setting on the browser that you are using to visit our website. Please note that if you block all cookies, including some which may be essential, you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. Unless deleted by you manually, each category of cookie has specific time period after which it will be automatically be deleted from your device. [please provide more information to the user about cookies, its types, and time period].
Use of your information:
Purposes for which information is collected:
Sharing of Information
We share your information with the following persons:
We share your information with the following third parties:
The information shared with the third party is only to the extend required and on a “need-to-know” basis. We may share information with authorities or regulators where we are under legal obligation to comply with any statutes, order of the court or enforcement requests. We may also share information about you where we have a reason to believe that it will allow us to protect the security and integrity of our website and related services
We are not involved in sale or leasing of information, including personal information.
Time Period of Retention
We retain your information till the time you have not deleted your account. We may retain your information even after you have deactivated your account if it is required to fulfil any contractual obligation as per this Privacy Policy.
Merger or Acquisition
If we undergo a merger, acquisition, reorganization, or any such process which mandates us to share your information, your information may be shared, or sold under a duty of as part of a transaction as permitted by law.
System for Consent
If any of the above is false, we reserve the right to terminate or suspend your account and your use of our website.
The safety of your personal information is important for us. We enforce proper measures are taken to safeguard your personal information. We use all such tools and technologies and integrations to reduce the risks such as loss of data, unauthorized access, misuse and alteration of data. The access to personal information to employees and third parties on a strict- need-to-know-basis and ensure such persons are subject to confidentiality and privacy obligations. You acknowledge that, despite such strict measures, we cannot guarantee complete security of data over the internet and any such transmission of data shall be at your own risk. We have no liability for unintentional disclosure.
Your Rights:
Please note that to process any of your request, we may be required to confirm your identity.